Wednesday, August 29


NXT-G 1.0 is now obsolete! Sort of. LEGO education is now selling NXT-G 1.1! Unfortunately the upgrade is not free, it costs $20 (oops, I mean "$19.99")

Friday, August 17


Yes!!! I was one of the three NXTLOG 3000 winners!!! Or at least my NeXcavator was. Yippee!!!

Sunday, August 12


I was not entirely satisfied with the RoboArm T-56. A friend challenged me to build T-56 on motorized wheels, and I said it was not possible because T-56 uses all 3 motors. After a bit of thought, I changed my mind. To qualify as T-56's equal, it has to be able to rotate, move vertically, and grab.Here is what I made. So now the arm can release, down, grab, up by saying "motor A forward 360 degrees", rotate by saying "B Forward C backward" and have the added capability of going forward/backward.
I got the idea for it by ro1000's similiar robot.

NXTLOG post here

Friday, August 10


NXTLOG 3000 has been announced! Prepare your projects! Ready your robots!

You know, that really is a lot of robots! 3000. Impressive!