Sunday, August 12


I was not entirely satisfied with the RoboArm T-56. A friend challenged me to build T-56 on motorized wheels, and I said it was not possible because T-56 uses all 3 motors. After a bit of thought, I changed my mind. To qualify as T-56's equal, it has to be able to rotate, move vertically, and grab.Here is what I made. So now the arm can release, down, grab, up by saying "motor A forward 360 degrees", rotate by saying "B Forward C backward" and have the added capability of going forward/backward.
I got the idea for it by ro1000's similiar robot.

NXTLOG post here


Anonymous said...

Congradulations on a fantastic robot!

Anonymous said...

can i get the instructions on how to build this. it is a cool robot and i think this is a challenging robot. thanks. my email is

Anonymous said...

Hi.. I am attmepting to build a robot for an outreach program for middle school kids. If you could e-mail me the instructions this robot would be great for the engineering demonstration. I wil provide you credit for your instructions. Thank you...

Anonymous said...

Hi.. I like this robot as compared to the nxt roboarm. If possible could you send me the instructions. I need to build an engineering demonstration for middle school youth. Any help would be much appreciated. I willprovide you with the credit for the instructions.

Thank you

Anonymous said...


I am a student at a pilot school in the 8th grade and we have a challenge to pick up a blue or a red gumball, sounds simple but I would appreciate any help you could give my team.....
My email is

Anonymous said...

hello... i really like the arm, can you please send me the instructions?
my email is